Friday, March 26, 2010

Bloomsbury Estates Is Quadrupling The Tax Credit!

Today we announced our very special promotion that will happen during the whole month of April. We will double, triple, or quadruple your tax credit. Here's how it works:
Purchase any condo and have an accepted contract by April 30, 2010 and close by June 30, 2010 and we will give you:
$8,000 for a 1 bedroom purchase
$16,000 for a 2 bedroom purchase
$24,000 for a 3 bedroom purchase
This is in addition to the tax credit you will also receive! You can use our incentive dollars to buy down an interest rate, make upgrades, apply toward closing costs or whatever you decide!
Our on site sales center is open every day or you can call 919.623.7942 for details.
See you soon!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Bloomsbury Estates Honored With Imprint Award

The Downtown Raleigh Alliance (DRA), the leader and champion for a dynamic and vibrant downtown, presented two individual Achievement Awards and nine Imprint Awards at their green-themed annual meeting held February 25, 2010 at the Raleigh Convention Center. Receiving one of the Imprint Awards was Bloomsbury Estates which was recognized as making a significant contribution to the ever evolving identity of downtown Raleigh.

“Our Annual Meeting provides us an opportunity to recognize projects and awardees that contribute to the development of our center city. The nine projects which received an Imprint Award represent $200 million of public and private investments made in downtown in 2009. Despite the economic climate, downtown continues to thrive,” said DRA President and CEO, David Diaz.